Served as Camp Commander around 1925. In 1927 he was serving as 2nd Lieutenant Commander under Commander Joseph Mullen, and in 1928 was elected Missouri Division Commander, a position he held til his untimely death in 1930. In 1928 he also served as Trans-Mississippi Quartermaster under T-M Commander J. Edward Jones.
Edward C. Fisher was the son of Charles Page and Marie (Jerzey) Fisher. He was born in Powhattan County, Virginia on May 2, 1875. Mr. Fisher was left fatherless at the age of sixteen, and assumed the obligation of helping his mother raise and educate his younger siblings. On this firm foundation of self-sacrifice he built his splendid character.
He began his business career with the Richmond Locomotive Works of Virginia, and in 1901 went to the American Locomotive Company. He was their lead salesman and was rapidly promoted, becoming their foreign business representative. He was stationed first in London, and later in Rio de Janeiro and Johannesburg, South Africa. From there he was transferred to St. Louis in 1922 as district manager of Mid-West operations.
Edward Fisher married Miss Anna Hinton Richmond on June 14, 1905, in Milton, North Carolina. The couple had two children; Edward Cumberland, and Elizabeth Lewis. His charm of manner was so great that he was sought out by many social organizations. He served as vice-president of the St. Louis Rotary Club, the St. Louis Traffic Club, was on the Executive Committee of the St. Louis Railway Club, Commander of Sterling Price Camp#145 SCV, Missouri Division Commander of the SCV, was a member of the Vestry of St. Michael and St. George Church, the Parkview Association, the St. Louis Chamber of Commerce, the Missouri Athletic Association, Bellerive Country Club, the Scottish Rite, the Moolah Temple, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the St. Louis Engineer Club, the Sugar Tree Club, the Louisville Club, the Brotherhood of St. Andrews, and the Lewis Gitner Lodge of the Masonic Order of Richmond, Virginia.
"Mr. Fisher’s devotion to the Sons of Confederate Veterans was evidenced by the fact that he attended all of the General Confederate Reunions, and was recognized throughout the South as one of the great leaders of their cause. He gave unsparingly of his time and resources to preserve the memories of the cause for which his father fought, and that cause was to him a constant source of inspiration for better work toward a reunited country. His traditions enhanced his patriotism. On many occasions he showed his kindness for the feeble Confederate Veterans. He was their stalwart friend and firm supporter. On the trip to the Confederate Reunion in Charlotte, North Carolina in 1929, his loving ministrations to General Cortez Kitchen (who was fatally stricken en route, and died in Charlotte) were forever remembered.” Edward C. Fisher himself passed away the following year, while on vacation in Rochester, Minnesota. (February 17th 1930) He was 55 years old. Sterling Price Camp passed the following resolution upon his untimely death in 1930: “ Resolved; that we Sons of Confederate Veterans of Sterling Price camp #145, mourn our departed friend, whose life was a sweet benediction and inspiration to a circle of friends almost world-wide. That we render our sincerest sympathy to his bereaved family in their great affliction." The resolution was signed by Selden Spencer, Commander.
Sources; Confederate Veteran Magazine 1930 pp. 165, 244, 245