70 Articles - pg. 1 2 3 4 | By Title By DateCamp Roster : 1983-1987 - Published on March 9, 2019... Commander Devin Day served as Camp Commander from July 1983 til 1987. Camden l. Cherbonnier served as Adjutant, and they held regular meetings at the Episcopal Church of St. Michael and St. George on Wydown Boulevard. During this time money was raised for a monument to the Missourians at Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield, five Confederate General’s and four Congressmen’s graves were marked, the Sterling Price monument was re-engraved, and the Camp was comp... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Camp Roster : 1981-1983 - Published on March 9, 2019... Jim Woods served as Camp Commander til July of 1983 when Devin Day was elected Commander. ... Gene Dressel Article Length: Very Short |
Camp Roster : 1980 - Published on March 9, 2019... Noble Wyatt continued as Commander this year, and there was a continual increase in membership as he worked to make the Camp more active. In July of 1980 Jimmy Dee Woods III was elected Commander, and Devin Day served as Adjutant. By the end of the year they boasted a membership of 39, as follows:
Charles H. Andrews
Lowell C. Bankhead Jr.
Paul Bennett
H. Jackson Bradley III &n... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Camp Roster : 1979 - Published on March 9, 2019... Commander Wyatt, and Adjutant Woods retained their offices in 1979, and there was a significant increase in Camp activities that year. In January they joined with the United Daughters of the Confederacy to celebrate the birthdays of Generals Lee and Jackson. In June they got together again to celebrate President Davis’ birthday at the Soldiers Memorial in downtown St. Louis. They also worked on the preservation of the Confederate Cemetery at Alton, Illinois. The C... Gene Dressel Article Length: Very Short |
Camp Roster : 1978 - Published on March 9, 2019... In June of 1978 Noble K. Wyatt of Godfrey, Illinois was elected Camp Commander, and Jimmy D. Woods II served as Adjutant. There were 24 members listed on the roster. Commander Wyatt was very actively involved with many projects in the area, including the preservation of the Alton, Illinois Confederate Cemetery. Through his efforts there became a greater community awareness of our Confederate heritage. His biography lists his many accomplishments while in office. By 1987... Gene Dressel Article Length: Very Short |
Camp Roster : 1975-1976 - Published on March 9, 2019... No reports were found for 1975, but in 1976 Charles Via was still serving as Camp Commander, and Dr. Philip Brumbaugh was Adjutant. William K. Gardner Jr. had been elected Treasurer, and the membership was as follows:
John A. Bryan
T. C. Carlin Jr.
Vance Cherbonnier
J. D. Cooper ... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Camp Roster : 1977 - Published on March 9, 2019... In 1977 Charles Via was still Commander, and Phil Brumbaugh was Adjutant. Compatriot J. Hunter Cunningham passed away in March of that year, and there were 25 camp members on the roster. No new members were listed for that year. ... Gene Dressel Article Length: Very Short |
Camp Roster : 1974 - Published on March 9, 2019... In 1974 Charles Via was elected Camp Commander. At that time there were three “Real Sons” in the Camp; Lorraine F. Jones, Reuben M. Morris, and Fred Niemeyer. Dr. Alexander C. Nivin is listed as an “Honorary” member, and there are 24 members in the Camp. ... Gene Dressel Article Length: Very Short |
Camp Roster : 1972-1973 - Published on March 9, 2019... No reports were found for 1972, but in 1973 A. Welborne Moise was elected Camp Commander, Dr. Philip Brumbaugh became Treasurer, and Courtney Shands Jr. stayed on as Adjutant. One death was reported that year with the passing of G. L. Fuhri. Mr. Moise’s grand-father was one of the most prominent ex-Confederates in the State. He had served as Missouri Division Commander of the United Confederate Veterans, and had served as vice-President of the Higginsville C... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Camp Roster : 1971 - Published on March 9, 2019... In 1971 Camp Adjutant Courtney Shands submitted the following roster to Earl F. Harvey, Lt. Commander-in-Chief of Alexandria, Virginia. The roster is interesting in that it provides the residential addresses of the members, and on several occasions their professional titles.
William Crowdus, Pershing Ave.
Governor J. M. Dalton, Jefferson City, Mo.
Dr. O. P. Hampton, Washi... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Camp Roster : 1969 - Published on March 9, 2019... In 1969 John C. Mosby III was elected Camp Commander, Fred Niemeyer retained his position as Camp Treasurer, Courtney Shands served as Adjutant, and the membership was back up to 23. Members included:
John A. Bryan
A. Welborne Moise
D. H. Hundley
R. E.... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Camp Roster : 1968 - Published on March 9, 2019... In spite of the fact that National dues were only $2 in 1968, membership payments came in very slowly that year. By March only 9 had paid, in May three more paid, and it wasn’t until August that the remaining 4 members came forward and paid their dues. Membership dropped to 16 again this year. Camp officers retained the positions they held in 1967.... Gene Dressel Article Length: Very Short |
Camp Roster : 1967 - Published on March 9, 2019... In 1967 Colonel Daniel H. Hundley was elected Camp Commander, Charles Via served as Lt. Commander, Fred Niemeyer served as Treasurer, and Courtney Shands was Adjutant. Membership remained the same with the exception of five new members; J. F. Vierling , J. L. Orten, James T. Pettus, H. S. Pettus, and L. L. Pettus. ... Gene Dressel Article Length: Very Short |
Camp Roster : 1966 - Published on March 9, 2019... 1966 saw the passing of Compatriot Lee Meriwether on March 12th. A special memorial meeting was held at the University Club on May 7th 1966 in his honor. The invocation was given by Reverend Lynnewood Martin, and the Daughters of the Confederacy in attendance were welcomed by Commander Charles Via. Adjutant John B. Peters served as the Master of Ceremonies. Also in attendance were Dr. Gerald Anderson of the Kansas City SCV Camp, and Mrs. Henry Frost Chadeayne, and... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Camp Roster : 1965 - Published on March 9, 2019... By 1965 the membership was down to 16. Charles S. Via was serving as Camp Commander, after the untimely death of Paul Knabe the previous year. The venerable Lee Meriwether (now 103 years old) served as 1st Lieutenant Commander, John B. Peters of Kirkwood served as Adjutant, Colonel D.H. Hundley served as Treasurer, and Fred Niemeyer served as Chaplain that year. Other members included: J. M. Alexander, K. R. Cannon, S. Courtney Jr., W. W. Crowdus, L. Jones, D. Luten, &... Gene Dressel Article Length: Very Short |
Camp Roster : 1964 - Published on March 9, 2019... The organization stabilized at 19 members in 1964, as two more members dropped out, one new one was added, and one past member was re-instated. The office of Treasurer was dropped, and the Camp Adjutant ( Col. Hundley) did both jobs. Paul Knabe remained as Commander, Lee Meriwether - Lieutenant Commander, and Fred Niemeyer - Chaplain. That year Commander Knabe died of a heart ailment (September 13th, 1964) he was 76 years old. Other members included:
K. R. C... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Camp Roster : 1961-1962 - Published on March 9, 2019... No reports are available for 1961, and the only event report available for 1962 was the celebration of Lee Meriwether’s 100th birthday, held at his home. Membership seems to have suffered a steep decline that year for some inexplicable reason. A typed roster indicates that only thirty men remained in the Camp.... Gene Dressel Article Length: Very Short |
Camp Roster : 1963 - Published on March 9, 2019... 1963 saw a new administration take charge of the Camp, and a further decline in membership. These should have been the premiere years for the Sons of Confederate Veterans, as the Nation Celebrated the 100th Anniversary of the War for Southern Independence, but for some reason interest was waning. Membership had gone from 55 members in 1960 to 19 by 1963. Paul Knabe was elected to Command the Camp during these trying times, and the venerable Lee Meriwether served as 1st Lieute... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Camp Roster : 1960 - Published on March 9, 2019...Membership increased only slightly in 1960 (up from 52 members to 55). The Camp officers remained the same. As the Centennial years (1961, 1965) approached, efforts to co, ordinate activities with The United Daughters of the Confederacy, National and State Centennial Commissions, the State Historical Society of Missouri, the Missouri Historical Society, and the newly formed St. Louis Civil War Round Table intensified. Every effort was being made to insure that the Southern Cause would be represe... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Camp Roster : 1959 - Published on March 9, 2019...In 1959 there was a significant change in the Camp leadership as William L. Atwood was elected Commander. He brought with him a whole new staff of officers:
William L. Atwood, Commander
Hall Wingfield, 1st Lt. Commander
Herbert C. Phillips Jr, 2nd Lt. Commander
Alexander C. Nivin, Adjutant
Phil Brumbaugh, Treasurer
Cyril Clemens, Quartermaster
W. William Dalton, Judge Advocate
John C. Mosby III, Color Sergeant
George W. Tucker, Historian... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |