70 Articles - pg. 1 2 3 4 | By Title By DateJudge Richard Brownrigg Haughton - Published on March 9, 2019... He was Camp commander in 1900. He was the son of Major Lafayette, and Sarah (Brownrigg) Haughton. Mrs. Haughton was the daughter of Richard Thomas Brownrigg of Columbus, Mississippi (See biography of Camp Commander Brownrigg). All of her male relatives who were old enough to bear arms, even distant cousins, were in the Confederate Army. Mrs. Haughton passed away in 1905. Her son Judge R. B. Haughton (the subject of this article) was born on November 24th 1864 in A... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Dr. Patrick Joseph Hardy, M.D. - Published on March 9, 2019... The son of Samuel Walker and Mary Patricia (Blesener) Hardy. His Great, great, great uncle, Captain Samuel Hamilton Walker, was a Texas Ranger killed in the Mexican War in 1847, for whom the Colt “Walker” pistol is named. Dr. Hardy’s Great -grandfather, Captain John McKim Hardy, served in Company “A” of Colonel Kenton Harper’s Regiment, Virginia Infantry. Capt. Hardy was born on December 15, 1831 in Winchester, Virginia, d... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Edward C. Fisher - Published on March 9, 2019...Served as Camp Commander around 1925. In 1927 he was serving as 2nd Lieutenant Commander under Commander Joseph Mullen, and in 1928 was elected Missouri Division Commander, a position he held til his untimely death in 1930. In 1928 he also served as Trans-Mississippi Quartermaster under T-M Commander J. Edward Jones.
Edward C. Fisher was the son of Charles Page and Marie (Jerzey) Fisher. He was born in Powhattan County, Virginia on May 2, 1875. Mr. Fisher was l... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Cornelius Hite Fauntleroy - Published on March 9, 2019... Served as Camp Commander in 1912. He was born in Winchester, Virginia, and was the son of Thomas Turner, and Bettie Smith (Hite) Fauntleroy. He graduated from the Shenandoah Valley Academy, Winchester, Virginia in 1876, and received his M.A. from the University of Virginia in 1884. After graduation he served as assistant professor of Greek at the university. In 1890 Mr. Fauntleroy was admitted to the bar at St. Paul, Minnesota in 1890, and was a junior partner with the ... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Walter Naylor Davis - Published on March 9, 2019... Served as Camp Commander sometime prior to 1939. He is shown as Sergeant at Arms for Sterling Price Camp in the 1921 issue of the Confederate Veteran Magazine (p.156). Walter Davis was born in St. Louis November 29, 1876, and was the son of Judge Alexander and Alice (Edwards) Davis. Judge Alexander Davis served as a Colonel in the Fifth Division, Missouri State guard, and commanded the brigade at the battles of: Oak Hills, Lexington, and Elk Horn Tavern. He was captured... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Col. Francis Marion Curlee - Published on March 9, 2019... Served as Camp Commander beginning in 1914. He was born in Corinth, Mississippi on February 1st, 1877, and was the son of William Peyton, and Mary Elizabeth (Boone) Curlee. Col. Curlee graduated from the University of Mississippi LL.B in 1902, and practiced law in Corinth, Mississippi til 1905 when he moved to St. Louis. On November 25th, 1915 he married Miss Lucille Straubstadter in Charleston, West Virginia. Miss Straubstadter was a descendant of the St. Cyr family of... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
William W. Crowdus - Published on March 9, 2019... Served as Camp Commander in 1955. He was born in 1899, and was married to Virginia Garrett Crowdus. He served as president of the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Association during the time that the St. Louis Arch was constructed.. Mr. Crowdus attended Washington University School of Law, and began his career as an attorney in 1922. He was a member of the St. Louis Bar Association, and in 1963 served as Interim United States District Attorney. In this capacity he was in... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
William Horner Cocke - Published on March 9, 2019... Served as Camp Commander beginning in 1910. He was born in City Point, Virginia on September 12th, 1874, and was the son of Henry Teller and Elizabeth (Horner) Cocke. He was educated in the Staunton, Virginia Public Schools, and the Virginia Military Institute at Lexington, Virginia. He graduated with a Degree in Civil Engineering in 1894, earning the highest honors, and was the recipient of the first “Jackson/Hope” award. He served as the Commandant of Cadets, an... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Richard Thomas Brownrigg - Published on March 9, 2019... Richard Thomas Brownrigg served as Camp Commander from 1901 til 1904. His Camp adjutant was W. B. Shields. Mr. Brownrigg was born in Columbus, Mississippi on August 23rd 1865. His parents were John and Elizabeth (Yerger) Brownrigg. He was named for his uncle, Major. Richard Thomas Brownrigg, who was killed during the Red River Campaign while serving under Gen. Richard Taylor. Commander Brownrigg graduated from the University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
William L. Atwood - Published on March 9, 2019... Served as Camp Commander from 1959 til 1962, and was the son of John Cowan and Georgie Tunstall (Baker) Atwood. His grand-father was Dr. Legrand Atwood, Confederate surgeon and later president of the St. Louis Medical Society. Dr. Atwood was also director of the State Asylum at Fulton, Missouri, and a frequent lecturer at St. Louis University. In 1892 he was mayor of Ferguson, Missouri. . Dr. Atwood died August 22nd, 1917 and is buried in Fee Fee Cemetery
T... Gene Dressel Article Length: Very Short |
Chilton Atkinson - Published on March 9, 2019... Served as Camp Commander in 1906. He was born in St. Louis on December 10th 1875, and was the son of Dr. Robert C. and Mary Tandy (Bull) Atkinson. His father, Dr. Atkinson was a physician who had served in the 10th Virginia Infantry during the war, and was a well loved and respected physician in St. Louis, who often refused payment for his many services. He died in 1917, and is buried at Bellefontaine Cemetery in an unmarked grave. His son (the subject of this article) was ed... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Camp Roster : 1998 - Published on March 9, 2019... 1998 was one of the most momentous years in the history of Sterling camp Price #145. It was this year that we hosted the National Sons of Confederate Veterans Reunion in St. Louis. Most of 1997, and the first half of 1998 was consumed by planning for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Meetings were moved from the Olive Garden Restaurant to a series of various locations, and began to take on the aspect of a traveling circus. Newsletter editor, Doug Harding was on assig... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Camp Roster : 1996-1997 - Published on March 9, 2019... Officers for the 1996-1997 term included; Ollie Sappington - Commander, Larry Limpus - 1st Lt. Commander, Bill Feeney - 2nd Lt. Commander, and Col. James Speicher - Adjutant. A new feature was begun this year at the January meeting. Rather than restrict the meeting to the celebration of Generals Lee and Jackson, it was decided to pay tribute to the many Confederate Generals who were born that month. In 1996, six Confederate heroes were so honored. &nbs... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Camp Roster : 1994 - Published on March 9, 2019... Ollie Sappington continued to command Sterling Price Camp this year. New officers included; Charles Welsh - 1st Lt. Commander, Dave LeMoyne - 2nd Lt. Commander, Col. James Speicher - Adjutant, Mike Pierce - Chaplain, and Bill Bowden - Treasurer. The monthly Camp meetings were held at the Olive Garden restaurant on Manchester this year, and attendance was at an all time high. The Camp was nearing 100 members, and growing rapidly. Confederate Memorial Day services were he... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Camp Roster : 1995 - Published on March 9, 2019... The January meeting this year payed tribute to General Robert E. Lee in a lecture given by John Karel. John is one of our most gifted speakers, and all in attendance agreed that it was an honor to be there. Confederate Memorial Day was held on Saturday April 22 this year, at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery, and the Division Reunion was hosted by the A.C. Riley Camp at Sikeston, Missouri. The Camp Jackson Memorial Dinner was held on Friday, May 5th at Jo Hannon&rsqu... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Camp Roster : 1993 - Published on March 9, 2019... Annual events got off to a rough start in 1993. The January 9th Lee/Jackson Dinner at Columbia, Missouri was the day of one of the worst snow storms to hit Missouri in recent history. The guest speaker, P. Charles Lunsford of Atlanta, Georgia had flown in to St. Louis and was stranded here, so a “rump” session of the Lee/Jackson Dinner was held in Dr. Hardy’s recreation room. An excellent lecture followed, and a good time was had by all in attendance. Mr. Lu... Gene Dressel Article Length: Very Short |
Camp Roster : 1992 - Published on March 9, 2019... Commander Hardy continued to serve in 1992, and was instrumental in having Sterling Price camp host the annual Division Reunion in St. Louis County that year. It was held on April 11th 1992 at the historic “Oakland House” in Affton, Missouri. Presiding over the meeting was Division Commander Keith Daleen. At this meeting April 26th was established as Missouri Confederate Memorial Day, Sterling Price Camp donated the flagpole to our Elm Springs National SCV Headqua... Gene Dressel Article Length: Very Short |
Camp Roster : 1991 - Published on March 9, 2019... In 1991 the continued success of the reorganized Camp was demonstrated by an increase in membership, and Camp activities. The Special Dinners instituted by Commander Hardy were well attended, and gave a felling of comradery to the Camp. The wives and friends of Camp members were welcomed at these events, which greatly expanded the attendance. The Camp Jackson Dinner was held at the historic Cupples House on the Frost Campus of St. Louis University. The Campus was ... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Camp Roster : 1990 - Published on March 9, 2019... In 1990 Dr. Patrick Hardy MD was elected Commander, and Major Jeffrey Smith was elected Adjutant. The monthly meetings began having guest speakers, and were held at prominent restaurants in the St. Louis area. In the fall of 1990 Carlos Whitehead was elected Adjutant, and Jeff Smith became Chaplain. Dr. Hardy was named Surgeon-in-Chief of the National Military Order of Stars and Bars. The Sterling Price Birthday Dinner was inaugurated, as well as the first annual Camp Jackson... Gene Dressel Article Length: Very Short |
Camp Roster : 1988-1989 - Published on March 9, 2019... In 1988 John Karel was elected Camp Commander, and under his guidance and leadership the Camp began to rebuild. Commander Karel re-instituted many of the Camp traditions, and began to have regular monthly Camp meetings. The membership slowly increased, and a Camp Newsletter “The Army Argus” was began. Mike Pierce was elected Lt. Commander, and Gene Dressel was elected Adjutant. Mike Pierce had a monument to the Confederate dead erected at Jefferson Barracks Nation... Gene Dressel Article Length: Very Short |